6 steps to re-entering the workforce after an absence.

How to Re-Enter the workforce after a period of time
If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, whether it’s due to raising children, caring for a loved one, or pursuing education, re-entering the workforce can be a daunting task. With the job market constantly evolving and new technologies emerging, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to navigate your way back into the workforce. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and advice on how to successfully re-enter the workforce and jump-start your career.
1) Start Job searching with a specific job in mind.
This may seem like an obvious answer but realistically this is a step that many forget. When job searching you can scroll through thousands of jobs aimlessly and spend hours finding nothing. Have a clear vision of the type of job you want to start searching for and stick to that. Ask yourself what work activities will suit your lifestyle, your ability and what are your strengths. Use these to determine what job would suit you.
2) Review your skills and education
During your absence from the workforce, you may have picked up more skills or even taken some classes that have progressed your education. Make sure you are factoring these in when applying for a job. Your skills and education are what will make Jon hunting a lot easier, it will rule out the jobs that are and are not suitable for you.
3) Refresh your CV
Again this may seem like an obvious answer but an outdated CV is not going to help you stand out among the hundreds of CVs an employer may receive. Make sure all your contact information is up to date. Update your skills and education and any experience you have to show the employer you are suited to this job.
4) Cover letter
Your cover letter is the first thing potential employers will read. This is where you will catch their eye. Make sure your cover letter explains clearly and concisely what your skills are and what you can bring to the company. Your cover letter can also briefly explain why there is a gap in your CV.
5) Consider part-time or Temp Work
Jumping straight back into work full-time after an absence from work can be hard and stressful to adjust to. You should consider taking up part-time employment or even temporary work. This way you ease the pressure on yourself and you can decide at the end of the temporary contract if a full-time permanent position is for you.
6) Prepare for your interview
So after all that you have made it to interview day. You may have heard the saying “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” and this is true. Make sure you have practised interview questions and answers. Do your research on the company and show them why you will be a valuable asset to the company. Project confidence so that the employer feels confident in hiring you.
If you are thinking of re-entering the workforce why not contact us at Kaizen workforce solutions and see what we can do for you today?